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Reduce, reFILL, Recycle

Reduce, reFILL, Recycle

We want to leave our planet a better place that we found it.  And as a company, we at Distilled Bath & Body see that our actions have larger ripples because...
Melanie Allen
Did You Pee Alone Today?

Did You Pee Alone Today?

Hey mama, did you pee alone today? Because I didn't. In fact, I haven't peed alone in over 8 years. That's right, eight years. I've spent the better part of the...
Melanie Allen
Every Purchase Supports The Tolos Project

Every Purchase Supports The Tolos Project

Proceeds from purchases made at Distilled Bath and Body, LLC are also used to finance micro-loans and help people cover their medical costs in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa...
Erica Feucht
Bro, Did You Use Deodorant Today?

Bro, Did You Use Deodorant Today?

We experimented with a middle-school boy using Pit Liquor. Is our natural deodorant stronger than the smelliest thing known in nature? Let's find out!
Scott Firestone
Creating Limited Edition Scents

Creating Limited Edition Scents

Okay, maybe you saw our tongue-in-cheek attempt at humor with the Top 5 Rejected Limited Edition Scents, but coming up with new scents is actually a serious business. So what goes into the process? Let's pull back the curtains and take a look! 

Scott Firestone
5 Tips to Make the Switch From Chemicals to Natural Body Products

5 Tips to Make the Switch From Chemicals to Natural Body Products

So you want to switch to all natural body care products. You've read the articles on the correlation between health problems and chemicals. You know you want the products you...
Melanie Allen
Top 5 Rejected Limited Edition Scents

Top 5 Rejected Limited Edition Scents

Coconut Rum with Lime. Berry Pie. We LOVE coming up with fun and fresh new scents for our Limited Edition line.  But knowing what will be popular isn't an exact science, and sometimes our...
Scott Firestone
2020 Spark Awards

2020 Spark Awards

Distilled Bath and Body is thrilled to accept the 2020 Spark Award from the Better Business Bureau of Northern Colorado and Wyoming.

Melanie Allen
Back to School COVID Style

Back to School COVID Style

Welcome to August! It's that time of year when we all think about going back to school. Families flood Target checking school supplies off their lists. College co-eds return to...
Melanie Allen

Free Hand Sanitizer During COVID-19


Free Hand Sanitizer

Free hand sanitizer for those in need and hand sanitizer to buy or donate to first responders and people in need. Small businesses come together to help in times of difficulty.

Erica Feucht
What does "Natural Deodorant" really mean—and which one is right for me?

What does "Natural Deodorant" really mean—and which one is right for me?

Most of us have heard how bad conventional toxic deodorant is for us (so bad), but what does that really mean? There's been an explosion in recent years of "natural" deodorants in the market. But what makes a deodorant "natural?" The answer is actually a lot simpler than anyone really wants you to know.

Jason and Erica Feucht

The Truth About Armpit Detox

Some people claim that you have to detox your pits before a new natural deodorant really works. Is that true?

Jason and Erica Feucht