Can your deodorant really cause cancer? Research says the answer is yes. You may remember that we published a blog on the dangers of benzene back in 2021. Since then, the research and evidence against benzene has grown exponentially. You may want to take a seat because the statistics are quite staggering.

Benzene infiltrates more of the beauty and cosmetics industry than almost any other toxin. After confirming its presence in sunscreens and hand sanitizers, researchers noted that over half of the 108 antiperspirants and deodorants it analyzed showed signs of benzene contamination. That’s practically the entire deodorant aisle at the supermarket!

If you think a little bit of Benzene isn’t a big deal, think again. Benzene is a toxic "class 1 solvent" known to trigger life-threatening diseases such as leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma. Due to its carcinogenic nature, it has no place in personal care products, and the maximum safety limit for people working with benzene  is 0.1 to 1.0 parts per million (ppm). 

Out of the 59 contaminated deodorants and antiperspirants tested by independent lab Valisure:

  • 24 products had benzene levels between 2.24 – 17.7 ppm 
  • 14 products registered benzene between 0.20 – 18.89 ppm.
  • 21 products showed detectable traces of benzene.

So it not only poses a life-threatening risk to someone using it on their body, but also to anyone handling it in the production process. You’re probably wondering why deodorant manufacturers would choose to use something so toxic in their products. The issue is that it’s not actually an ingredient, it’s likely a result of contamination. Benzene can get into products as a byproduct of the petroleum-based propellants (propane, butane, isobutane) used in aerosol sprays. 


Make sure to proceed with caution

Since petroleum-based propellants in aerosol sprays were indicated as the probable source of benzene contamination, avoiding products that include such substances makes perfect sense. Reading product labels is always encouraged so you know exactly what you’re using. 


What other toxic ingredients should you avoid in deodorants?

As staples of personal hygiene, deodorants and antiperspirants are essential products that we rely on to stay clean  and free of BO. It’s alarming that health specialists have noted several other commonly used chemicals in deodorants that can trigger adverse effects (multiple cancers, neurotoxicity, hormonal disruptions, organ damage, and reproductive issues). 

This  list consists of:


Benzene-free alternatives aren't hard to come by

Faced with so many health hazards only one spritz away, it's unsurprising that people have been taking heed of the risks they may be exposed to and increasingly seeking out non-toxic alternatives. If you’re feeling hopeless after all of these Benzene facts, don’t fret just yet! What you’re feeling right now is why we created Pit Liquor. Our greatest goal is that you would stay fresh without coming into contact with harmful chemicals.


Natural Deodorants like Pit Liquor are a safe, effective alternative

Given that chemicals lie at the heart of the issue, one sure way to avoid exposure is to choose deodorants that rely on natural ingredients. Instead of life-threatening Benzene, Pit Liquor deodorants are based on overproof spirits like whiskey and vodka that eliminate the bacteria responsible for bad BO. The arrowroot powder and organic tea extracts (Greek Mountain Tea, Sea Buckthorn, Umckaloabo, Elderflower, Gotu Kola) included in our deodorants keep the underarms dry and unwelcoming for bacterial growth. Meanwhile, the essential oils keep you smelling amazing.


the Benzene Deodorant Replacement Campaign

We’re proud to let you know that we’re participating in the Benzene Deodorant Replacement Initiative, launched by Environmental Litigation Group PC, a law firm specializing in toxic exposure. The program seeks to replace benzene-contaminated deodorants with safe substitutes sourced from ethically responsible manufacturers whose offerings are free of hazardous chemicals. 

If you’ve read this far, you’re likely ready to try toxin-free deodorant or already a Pit Liquor lover. We bet you know a few people who still need to make the switch to benzene-free products too. We’re here to help you and your friends ditch the toxic chemicals and switch to the best natural deodorant on the market, dare we say in the world. Share this article with that friend and you can both use code NOBENZENE15 for 15% off your purchase.
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