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Pit Liquor: Quenching Stench Beyond the Armpit

Pit Liquor: Quenching Stench Beyond the Armpit

Parenthood brings unexpected challenges...some of them seriously stinky. Read this story for a clever deodorizing lifehack discovered by a mom while in the trench of stench.
Laycie McClain
Why use natural hand sanitizer?

Why use natural hand sanitizer?

  Hand sanitizer has become a hot commodity this year. It's in every store, on the shelves and in dispensers. We're all using a whole lot more of it than...
Melanie Allen
Out of the Frying Pan and Into the New Year We Charge!

Out of the Frying Pan and Into the New Year We Charge!

Eve learned to walk. Alongside her, we've learned to help our business walk. It's been quite a dazzling parallel, actually. She has fallen more times than anyone cares to count in her quest to walk, and though she's pretty good at it now and chooses walking over crawling, she still falls. So we are the same.
Jason and Erica Feucht